The Azores!
I realize that the people must be edited out in many instances. I checked my hypothesis by visiting West 23rd street and Broadway. There were more people than I've seen in any place else I visited on Street view but not as many as there certainly are at any time when the sun is up. It appeared the shots were taken in the morning before noon judging by the 10:00 AM shadows cast from the east. I gather population density via Google Street View must be relative. Where there are scads of people, you'll see a few. Where the population density is more modest, you won't see anyone at all.
The Virtual Paintout sets a different place in the world to visit every month. You can submit your art for posting, up to three images if you include the Street View URL of the place you sketched. It's pretty good fun for a rainy day.
This is a masterful lesson to learn how to catch the light in a picture drawing.
Thanks for sharing.